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"Everything we experience as meaningful makes us heal"


"Ah"-Reverence to the deep meaningfulness of life

Is your health crippling you from achieving higher goals on your eurythmy path? Looking for a way to work deeper and move more fluidly? Help is always available to those who are seeking. 

Heilkunst approach is based on a deeper understanding of human being as spirit living on earth, applying Rudolf Steiner's dynamic view of human physiology and development. Disease is not materially caused, although it involves matter at the physical material level. Heilkunst approach works with the physical body (not limited to the material chemical), the etheric (life) body, the  astral body and the Ego (ontic) organization to bring health to the complete human being, realizing the higher purpose of life.


(A sliding-scale special rate applies to eurythmy fellows and students.)




"Everything we experience as meaningful makes us heal."

The approach to better health is to make conscious effort to walk the journey and to make meaning of our life experience, to "digest" them so as to make them part of the Self, part of the whole.
Heilkunst treatment provides the help you need on such a journey to health and harmony. 


This comprehensive alternative health approach includes life style regimenal advice (nutrition and more) and systematic Heilkunst (medicine) treatment to remove both past traumas and inherited disease patterns (chronic miasms) with energetic medicine (homeotonic and homeopathic).


Worldwide consultations take place privately online. Remedies are included in the consultation fee and will be mailed directly to you from Canada. 

 ~ Visit

for more treatment information on

Heilkunst homeopathy,

wholistic nutrition and regimen,

movement therapy

and more...

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